Become a member!
The Eagle Rock Art Guild is always accepting applications for new members. Fill out the application form below.
Becoming a Member
Membership in the Eagle Rock Art Guild is open to individuals residing in the following Idaho counties:
Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Bonneville, Butte, Caribou, Clark, Franklin, Fremont, Jefferson, Madison, Oneida, Power, and Teton.
To qualify, individuals must:
be 18 years or older
have an interest in art
& agree to the objectives, bylaws, rules, and policies of the Art Guild
Membership Fees:
Student Member: $30
Active General Member: $40
New General Member: $45
If you would like to pay electronically. Let us know and a square invoice will be emailed to you.
New Memberships are valid for the year in which they are paid and renewed the following year. Renewal Membership fees are due by January 31st each year.
Responsibilities of Membership
All members are encouraged to be active in Guild functions and activities.
Each member is to seek opportunities to participate in many different Guild activities.
Benefits of Membership
Members will be provided with a copy of the ByLaws, and, upon request, a current list of members. (Emailed copy sent to current registered email on file.)
Members receive opportunities to network with other artists, learn from each other, thru art classes and meetings, and field trips to encourage each other and give back to each other and the community.
Members of the Guild are eligible to participate in any Guild show by meeting the requirements in the prospectus for each show. (Show fee discounts do apply in some cases.)
Members receive an email of a Calendar and announcements of Guild activities.
Social Media
We have a Facebook and Instagram account. Please like and follow us to help grow our presence and to stay in the loop.
Become a Board Member
We need you! Are you interested in being a board member or helping with an event or project?
Do you have a specialized skill that would be a resource? Active members are needed to keep the guild alive and relevant in the community.